Police in Mzuzu on Thursday arrested a 15 year old boy identified as Henry Chirwa for allegedly carrying maize stalk during President Peter Mutharika’s rally at Luwinga.

The boy, a son of Bishop Thomson Chirwa of Abundant Life Ministry in Mzuzu, spent a night in a cell at Mzuzu Police Station but there was no proper charge pressed against him.

The boy was released on bail on Friday.

Acco9rding to information sourced by faceofMalawi, the boy was standing 15 metres away from Mutharika while holding the maize stalk and police interpreted the action of the boy as a protest due to the maize scarcity in the country.

Speaking in an interview with the press, Bishop Chirwa accused the police of acting irresponsibly.

“Police claim that my son was 15 metres away from the President and he was holding a maize stalk hence they arrested him,” said Chirwa.

Chirwa comes from Traditional Authority (T/A) Mankhambira in Nkhata Bay.

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