A cold war has erupted between Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Clement Chiwaya, and Parliamentarian for Mangochi North, Benedicto Chambo, of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) over who is closer to President Peter Mutharika.

Chiwaya, who is also Member of Parliament for Mangochi Central under the United Democratic Front (UDF) is accusing Chambo of interfering with affairs of Mangochi Central Constituency.

The cold war between the two came to light on Thursday during meeting ahead of Mutharika’s visit on at St Augustine Primary School grounds where the President attended Ijtimah prayers last Saturday.

According to a leaked conversation between the two, Chiwaya warned Chambo to tread carefully, saying if he continues interfering with his constituency he will make his life difficult.

“Chambo, you live in my constituency and I can use my powers to make your life hellish. I am the fifth in command in this country and I do call Peter [Mutharika] anytime I want to tell him what I want to tell him. Let me tell you that there is no problem between me and Peter,” Chiwaya is quoted as saying in the leaked conversation.

But Chambo shoots back saying: “Never! My brother, let’s just play our politics but what you are telling me [that you can make my life difficult] cannot happen.”

Efforts to talk to DPP spokesperson Francis Kasaila on the matter proved futile.

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