Nkhunga Magistrate Court in Dwangwa Nhotakota has sentenced a 35-year-old Iwell Banda to 4 years imprisonment four being found in possession of fake 2000 Kwacha notes.

Banda who hails from Mtupi Village Traditional Authority Kanyenda was arrested on 31st December 2016 in Nkhotakota.

According to Nkhotakota Police spokesperson, Laban Makalani, the suspect, identified as Iwell Banda, is believed to have obtained the forged K2000 banknotes amounting to K80,000 from unidentified people in Lilongwe.

Banda then started spending the money and gave some to one of his close associates, Boyson Chirwa, who in turn gave the money to his farm workers.

The workers realized that they were given fake notes after a trader in the area recognized the notes as counterfeit and refused to sell them his products.

During court hearing on Thursday, Banda pleaded guilty to the offence and appealed to the presiding magistrate to be lenient with him.

But state prosecutor in the case trashed Banda’s plea, saying Banda deserves a stiffer punishment considering the gravity of the offence.

After weighing the arguments presented by the state, the presiding magistrate slapped Banda with four years jail sentence.

The court also ordered the Police to surrender the fake banknotes to Reserve Bank of Malawi.

Meanwhile police have intensified efforts to arrest masterminders of the syndicate who are believed to be in Lilongwe where the first convict obtained the fake notes.

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