Umodzi Party (UP) President, John Chisi, has asked President Peter Mutharika  not to shield Cabinet ministers suspected to be involved in corruption and embezzling public resources.

Chisi warned that if the President shields ministers that are implicated in corruption, the President’s legacy will suffer.

The statement of Chisi has come after Minister of Agriculture, George Chaponda believed to be responsible for Zambia maize saga.

“The President should desist from standing on the podium to defend his ministers. If one day the evidence comes out and indeed Malawians find out that there are issues that were happening involving the ministers which he was defending, it will be very difficult for him [Mutharika] to exonerate himself which will be unfortunate,” Chisi said.

Mutharika has only set up a Commission of Inquiry to probe into the matter, leaving Chaponda still walking with his head high.

Speaking when he was swearing in commissioners of the newly instituted Commission of Inquiry into the Admarc maize saga, Mutharika said he does not act on hearsay.

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