Poet Bambonowa, real name Kelvin Mtumodzi might not ring a bell to those who follow poetry without the comprehensive license in Malawi. But his wheeled poems do not burst easily, they resist the pressure of satirical spirits and he still rides on the back of poetic devices.

His debut vernacular poetry album called Utsi Waukali which holds 20 poems is a general receipt to the public which shows that the poet took time to bake poems in the studios.

Listening to his pieces for the first time, one’s poetic ears will instantly notice the sweet vocal cords that are so unique in as far as personality in poetry recitals is concerned.

His interest in poetry developed in Standard 4 at Makota Primary school in Dedza district when the class teacher asked him to recite a Chichewa poem. Since then, he has performed at many talent shows while at the Malawi College of Health Sciences, Lilongwe campus.

“The journey to the world of poetry has been so intriguing because I possessed the spirit of bookworm while young and I thank Sylvester Kalizang`oma, Willard Kaula for encouraging me to move on with the passion for poetry and not forgetting Nyamalikiti Nthiwatiwa real name Chisomo Mdala who inspires me a lot.

Furthermore, I salute the producers whom I worked with tirelessly in this album Utsi Waukali such as Tkmo and Petermo, Themba of Chia Production but most of my poems were recorded at the MBC studios by Raymond Sekeni also known as Fraternal DJ and Alfred Chitenga Phiri of ACP Records finished the work of mixing the pieces,” explains Mtumodzi.

Utsi Waukali poem takes you to the shackles of an Indian hemp or Chamba where a married woman is explaining to her in-laws about the strange behaviour of her husband but she is not so sure about the cause and she distances herself from the accusations that she has used a love concoction on him.

Bango Langa, Chikondi, Kakhwiya, Samson ndi Delilah, Sindikufuna Mwana, Nkupempheko Namwino, Chimwamazira, University of Malaina, Kulicheteku are some of the poems that are in the new album.

Kelvin Mtumodzi is a short story writer, and he pens both Chichewa and English poems. He works at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) as a health practitioner.

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