The High Court in Mzuzu has turn down a proposal by Attorney General Kalekeni Kaphale to lift an order suspending Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development George Chaponda to pave way for smooth investigations on the maizegate scandal.

Mzuzu High Court Judge Justice John Chirwa on Thursday last week ordered President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to suspend Chaponda following a request by Civil Society organizations in the country led by Charles Kajoloweka, Youth right activist.

But Attorney General challenged the ruling by filling an inter-party hearing which was scheduled for today.

Making his ruling today, Chirwa refused to vacate an injunction, saying Chaponda remain suspended until January 31 2017 when the Commission of Inquiry set up by President Mutharika will release its findings on Zambia maize-gate.

The development means Chaponda will not save as Cabinet as Cabinet Minister in the DPP administration under Mutharika.

The maizegate scandal is a suspected corruption element where Agricultural Development and Marketing Cooperation (ADMARC) reportedly bought maize at K26 billion from the Zambian company and it is believed that Malawi could have saved about K9.5 billion if it had bought the grain directly from the Zambian government.

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