Veteran musician cum-politician Lucius Banda who is also member of Parliament for Balaka North has trashed the partnership which is there between the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and opposition United Democratic front UDF), saying the partnership is only benefiting the President Atupele Muluzi.

Speaking in an interview with the press, Banda said since the Party partnered with DPP, there is nothing that the Party has benefited.

“I have not seen any significant benefit of the partnership, apart from a single cabinet position and two ambassadorial posts. But on the ground, there is totally nothing to show.

“It’s the high time we should start repositioning ourselves. Let’s leave other people’s business and start minding our own.” said Banda.
Banda also shot down assertions that UDF was sinking saying it was only some party leaders that are sinking.

“UDF is a huge party to sink. It is very much alive on the ground and structures are still intact. All we have to do is to start communicating with them,” he said.

When asked to comment on current political landscape in the country, Banda said the country is slow sliding to the reign of late Bingu wa Mutharika where critics were hunted like wild animals.

“It is very said to see the country moving three steps backward. What is happening now is the same that led to the downfall of late Bingu.
“Ruling the country is not about wealth but having the confidence to lead,” said Banda.

Effort to talk to UDF Spokesperson Ken Ndanga on the matter proved futile.

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