Samson Chimaliro has been sentenced to 10 months in prison after he had used a fake K2000 note to pay a hooker for her services.

Mzuzu Magistrate Court found Chimaliro guilty and sentenced him to 10 months in prison following a trial at the said court.

The prosecutor, Constable Charles Chilala disclosed that the convict was brought to book on New Year’s Day at Zolozolo within Mzuzu City after the police were tipped   that he had used a fake K2000 note.

The note was taken to Reserve Bank of Malawi were it was verified that it was really fake.

“I was on duty as a bartender in December and in the process an unknown customer bought beer with the said fake note of which I noticed later,” Chimaliro told the court during his trial.

He continued to say he informed his boss who told him to damage the note but he did not obey instead he went on to use it  as a settlement to a sex worker after sleeping with her.

That is when the issue came on surface as the woman wanted to use it to buy some groceries.

During his Judgment, Senior Resident Magistrate Major Mbewe sentenced the 24 year old Samson Chimaliro to 10 months in prison as a lesson to others.

He added that the convict deserves a solid punishment for using the note when he knew it was forged.

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