Andrew Hall is grateful to be alive, albeit short of seven teeth after e-cigarette explodes in his face.
A young man is battling serious injuries to his mouth and face following an accident with an E-cigarette.
Andrew Hall reportedly lost seven teeth, suffered facial burns and had plastic melted and stuck to his face after the e-cigarette he was smoking exploded in his mouth, Daily Mail reports.
Even worse, Hall’s mouth was not the only thing that took a hit from the explosion.
Hall who is very lucky to be alive, took to Facebook, to share photos of his apartment, which also suffered.

The photos show a broken sink with blood splattered everywhere, soot-stained walls and blood splattered tiles, all as a result of the explosion.

He was grateful enough to be alive that he warned fellow vapers of the dangers of e-cigarettes.
Hall wrote, “I’ve been vaping for about a year now and assure you I did not do anything I wasn’t supposed to – but it exploded in my face. I’ve lost at least 7 teeth, second degree burns to face and neck and have been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from mouth, throat and lips.
“I was lucky and they’re was a huge amount of damage to the room in my house I was in as well. I know vapes help people quit smoking cigarettes and that’s amazing. I just want to bring to light this is possible that they can explode without warning.

“I would have said ‘no way that’s possible’ until now.”
Daily Mail reports that Hall is currently in the intensive care unit of a hospital and is being treated for his injuries.
E-cigarettes were created as an easier way to stop smoking traditional cigarettes but the dangers of these technologies are forcing some to stick to Tobacco cigarettes, or better still quit of their own accord.