Malawians have rejected calls by Minister of Information and Communications Nicholas Dausi urging them to desist from hurling insults on President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, saying doing so is undermining the authority of the President.

Dausi’ sounded the call during Times Exclusive with Brian Banda aired on January 14, 2017 monitored by FaceofMalawi reporter.

During the interview, the host of the programme Brian Banda who once served as Presidential Press Officer to former President Dr. Joyce Banda described President Mutharika as ‘passive’.

The description angered the highly charged Dausi and asked Banda to withdraw the word passive, saying it’s impudent.

“It is wrong, erroneous, impudence, intesious to call a president passive, you understand young man,” said Dausi.

Banda’s description has ignited debate among Malawians with others taking the issue on social media defending Banda while others mocking Dausi on his defense.

Wrote Williams Kazembe: “This guy Dausi should stop taking Malawians for granted what kind of respect does Muthalika & Dausi himself asking for? This Government should stop intimidating its citizens.

“We have seen great people ie Obama and the like being abused on public but its not an issue for them so who are you and your administration that doesn’t want to be questioned, asked or even advised for goodness sake.”

Concurring with Kazembe’s remarks Anthony Kawinga wrote: “we don’t insult elders but we criticize for being death eared…;. ” hon Dausi remember that just weeks ago hon Malison Ndau was show an exit door for not being straight forward with his duties so take care as well dude”……(mwanaa)!!!”
Another concerned citizen wrote identified as HB Forbes wrote: “ Two days ago when You(Mr Info Minister) addressed urself of being FOOLISH, i cogitated u were just trying to make a joke out of that….But now I have come to realise that u r indeed a part of that……..As a matter of tradition, ave learnt to respect the Hand that Feeds Me, not the hand that z Plundering my very own Sweat….Nay!!!! I cannot even dance to a Tune or Music that am not familiar with unless am Mad….U r just Big Mouthed and Good for Nothing….Inutu ofunika ndithu mumudziwe Yesu ndi Ophunzira ake onse 12…..Otherwise You are Just but a Wasted Effort.”

Added Bright Nkhwazi : “Why has Dausi used the word impudence? Should i believe that what has come out of his minister Chaponda the whole president cannot say anything to make Malawians feel that they have the leader.It sounds absurd Mr Dausi.HE DESERVES even more than what have just been poured on him.Let him act accordingly.”

Meanwhile debate continues over Dausi’s remarks.

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