Opposition People’s Party (PP) Interim President Uladi Mussa has disclosed that the Party will go ahead in holding the convention this year without its founder Dr. Joyce Banda who is currently in self-imposed exile.

Mussa said this in an interview with one of the privately owned radio-Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS).

“The Peoples Party Constitution says we should hold the convention this year and we shall do that,” said Mussa.

When asked as to when Banda will be returning in the country, Mussa said the Party will be informed when all is set.

Turning to the ongoing investigations in the plunder of public funds dubbed cashgate, Mussa vehemently denied the claims that the party had a hand in in the plunder, saying the allegations is orchestrated by the ruling Democratic progressive Party (DPP) to tarnish the emerge of the Party.

Banda left the country just after the May 20, 2014 tripartite election which saw the then ruling DPP under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

Her trip raised questions from all corners with others accusing her of having hand in the plunder of public funds.

Banda denied all these claims.

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