Justine Mbewe, 65 has been apprehended by mulanje police for raping his niece aged 12.

It is reportedly said that Mbewe was living in the same house with his niece and he has been forcing himself on his niece since last year in December.

His wife suspected something fishy was going on and forced the girl to come out with the truth.

In her confession, the young girl said Mbewe forced himself on her twice last year in December and Medical examinations from Mulanje District Hospital confirmed the girl was raped.

Police have encouraged the public to be responsible in protecting any kind of abuse against girls around the national and help to bring to book such people like Mbewe when they violates girl`s rights.

Mbewe is from Machokola Village, Traditional Authority Mabuka in Mulanje district.

He is expected to appear in court soon to answer defilement charges.


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