Member of Parliament for Karonga Central Frank Tumpale Mwenifumbo has threatened to pull out of the joint Parliamentary inquiry into the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) maize procurement for being dropped from the trip to Zambia.

The committee left the country for Zambia today after receiving clearance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Corporation.

However, the trip has created divisions in the committee with Mwenifumbo accusing the chairman of the committee Joseph Chidanti Malunga of having issues with him hence the drop.

“Leaving me out at the last minute in this way is a vote of no confidence on my abilities to contribute to this inquiry. I will be tendering my resignation to the Speaker tomorrow [today],” Mwenifumbo was quoted in the Nation Newspaper dated January 31, 2016.

Reacting to Mwenifumbo’s claims, Chidanti Malunga attributed the drop to funding woes.

Malunga said Civil Society Agriculture Network (CisaNet) released funds for eight members only.

“All major political parties in the country (People’s Party, Malawi Congress Party, Democratic progressive Party) have contributed two members each and the other two are from United Democratic Front (UDF) and Independent side,” said Malunga.

Meanwhile the committee is scheduled to meet representatives of Kaloswe Commuter and Courier Limited and other stakeholders.

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