The first time my friend ever said “I love you” to his girlfriend it was when he was on top of his girlfriend.

Most guys have it right though, either they don’t think or they think simply. Yes its undeniable that getting laid is awesome.

Aside from hoping she enjoys it and wondering she’s evaluating my performance, my mind digs up on the following strange things during sex:

What if I Miss?

I do wonder, What if I miss and hit a pelvic bone? I would sustain major injury to myself and depending on how hard my thing is, I might even hurt her!

What Are My Friends Doing Right Now?

When you build something up in your mind, it’s not as great as you thought it would be when it actually happens. For me, sex has been all about joy and not so much about the actual act. So I wonder if I’m missing something more fun that my buddies are doing.

Don’t Ejaculate, but STAY HARD!

All guys want to be Energizer Bunnies. So when things are hot and heavy, I just think of anything other than what’s turning me on to keep from ejaculating too soon. But it’s a delicate balance because I don’t want to compromise my erection. Lost erection is a disaster.

Mental Notes

I pay close attention to her reactions. She may like certain things, which I’ll put in my memory. If she dislikes something I’ll stop immediately and never do it again, and I’ll feel incredibly awkward.

Time Limitation

long sex gets awkward like a drunk, rambling best man speech at a wedding. If it’s too long, I’ll wonder if she wants to get it over with. And if it’s too short a time period, I’m embarrassed and I’m pretty sure she will not consider me a man enough.

The Room Around Us

I’ve done the TV peep during sex. And  surroundings draw my attention like a nearby picture of her mother who seems to be staring at us while we are doing it. And if we are near breakable objects or other precarious areas I will try to steer the whole operation to a safer location while hoping she doesn’t notice.

Birth Control Thoughts

I’ll curse whatever birth control device is driving me crazy  usually the condom with its propensity to ruin moments. And of course I worry about pregnancy how well the birth control precautions are actually working.

Do I Really Like This Person?

Sometimes I wonder What am I doing? Will this happen again? Do I even really like this person that much? Come to think of it, do they like me this much?

The Orgasm Goal

Everything I do is based on trying to get the girl to orgasm. And we all know a female orgasm is more complicated and tricky than a male orgasm, so that just adds pressure.

It’s no coincidence that my sexual encounters have not been satisfying, because I worry too much and don’t lose myself in the moment.

Let me toss the question back to you, What are women thinking about during sex? Are we constantly having our performance evaluated?

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