Opposition United Progressive Party leader Dr. Savior Chishimba of Zambia has implicated President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and Edgar Lungu in the controversial maize-gate scandal involving Agriculture Development Marketing Corporation (ADMARC).

Chishimba disclosed this in the evidence provided to the joint Parliamentary inquiry committee led by Dr. Joseph Chidanti Malunga.

According to the documents presented to the committee seen by FaceofMalawi reporter, Chishimba disclosed that President Mutharika and his counterpart Edgar Chagwa Lungu were in the forefront dictating how the Maize procurement process will be like.

Chishimba said Mutharika dictated to Zambia the companies that should be involved in the procurement exercise.

Meanwhile Chishimba has been accused of creating hoax regarding the ongoing maize scandal.

In a related development, Dr. Chaponda has accepted to appear before the Parliamentary inquiry tomorrow Wednesday.

Chidanti Malunga confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

When pressed as to when the committee will be releasing its findings on the Zambia Maize-gate, Malunga said the report is almost 90 percent ready.

“On Wednesday we will be meeting Dr. George Chaponda to hear his side of the story and later in the week we will be meeting officials from Transglobe and I hope by Tuesday the report will be ready for presentation in the National Assembly,” said Malunga.

Meanwhile Malawians are eagerly waiting for the report.

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