A native doctor shocked people when he confessed to have killed more than 100 people using marine powers which he claimed to have acquired from the underground World.

Musiyiwa Denhere (46) made his confession that,   things turned worst as the spirits which he used to work under are now demanding his three year old son or wife as a compensation.

He said,” I started working as a native doctor in 1989. I have helped so many people by curing their diseases even those that seemed uncured. I have also helped some of my customers to execute their enemies in so many ways. I would kill by accident, lighting and so other devilish ways. I have killed almost 100 people up to date, and because of my evil works my marriage life has not been so well such that 6 wives left me for the very same reason.”

“Things got worst from the day i confessed and because of that the marine spirits are after me and are demanding a life of my 3 year old son for the bond i am about to break. One day, a thundering voice from the sky told me to destroy my property since i was resisting to give my family to the marine spirits,” he said.

The zimbabwean native doctor also added that,a prophet whom he consulted to help him transform his life is no longer willing to help him fight the battle.

“After being attacked day and night by the spirits, I went back to the prophet who helped me to repent in search of deliverance but he is not willing to help. He keeps telling me that he is busy. I am therefore appealing to all the members of the public especially pastors who can help me deal with this nightmare.” Musiyiwa concluded.


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