Opposition People’s Party (PP) Spokesperson Noah Chimpeni has trashed the statement hovering in the social media indicating that former President Dr. Joyce Banda will be returning home on February 18, 2017 ending her three years stay in self-imposed exile, saying the statement is not true.

On Wednesday, the social media was awashed with a press statement purportedly signed Banda’s spokesperson Andekuche Chanthunya, saying Banda is finally coming home next week.

According to the statement, Banda left the country to give enough time to the incumbent President of Malawi to work without pressure and any political influences that could be linked to her.

Reacting to the statement, PP spokesperson Noah Chimpeni trashed the statement, saying it’s a propaganda aiming at diverting peoples attention from the challenges currently facing the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Chimpeni said the Party will issue a statement on hard copy regarding Banda’s home coming trip and not the one circulating on Whtsapp and facebook.

On his part, Chanthunya has distanced himself from the statement, saying has not issued any statement regarding JB’s trip to Malawi.

“I have noted with great concern, disbelief and disappointment that some ill-intentioned individuals are circulating a statement on the social media purportedly authored by myself to the effect that Former President Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda returns to Malawi on Saturday, February 18, 2017.

“I wish to categorically disassociate myself and the Office of the Former President from the said statement. I wish to inform all Malawians that our office has NOT released any statement regarding the return of the Her Excellency Dr Joyce Banda. We suspect that the said statement is a desperate ploy by some people who wish to divert people’s attention from the ongoing ‘maizegate’ inquiry. Instead of issuing such statements, we call on these people to concentrate on addressing the many social and economic challenges that have rocked our nation over the last three years,” reads in part the statement.
He added: “Her Excellency Dr Joyce Banda is a Former Head of State who is highly respected all over the world. Surely, Her Excellency deserves the same measure of respect in Malawi instead of using her name for propaganda purposes to score cheap political points.

“I wish to reiterate that Malawians shall be duly notified by our office when Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda decides, on her own will, to return home. A statement of Her Excellency’s return shall be issued through appropriate channels.”

Banda left the country just after the May 20, 2014 tripartite election.

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