Mathew Anthony, soccer coach who lives in England created two fake female accounts on Instagram that he used to approach his young boys to send him nude pictures.

The coach had photos of a lady in all his two fake accounts. He would allegedly start conversations by asking the boys if they had ever “seen their friends naked,” and then requests nude pictures.

His boys would send him the nudes under the impression that they are talking to a female. He accumulated hundreds of indecent pictures through the same move.

The coach was brought to book after the police went for a raid at his house where they found additional images of babies young as 6 months in his computer.

Following that, Anthony was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after he pleaded guilty in court and has been given a 10 year sexual harm prevention order as well as banned from working with young children.

His defender, claimed Anthony`s sexuality had been a “troubling area for him” since he discovered he was gay at age of 15.

“He knows he has done dreadful things and that thy have had a great impact on his victim`s lives. He was frank in his interview with police.

He continued, “He knows the impact of what he has done, and he has lost his good character in a significant way. He expresses his real remorse for what he did”.

Regardless of Anthony`s past, the judge also considered the impact the accused had on his victims.

Referring to the victim`s parents, the judge said, “You goaded them into sending you more material by calling them cowards when they wouldn’t. It has a profound impact on the victims and their family”.

The boys who sent naked photos of themselves to h the coach felt embarrassed but received justice when Anthony was judged to serve a jail term.


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