Until death do us part! Divorced women lay in real GRAVES to overcome marriage failure (photos)
The women lie in the ground to cope with their divorce

Women in Chongqing, a city in southwestern China, are ‘meditating’ in shallow graves in a ritual that is meant to help them cope with the devastating effects of divorce.

These photos capture the women sleeping in the graves with only a thin piece of plastic separating them from the cold earth.

Until death do us part! Divorced women lay in real GRAVES to overcome marriage failure (photos)
The women try to experience death to help them find catharsis

It seems the strange ritual is actually helping the women cope with their divorces: one woman can be seen crying with her fists raised in the air.

The idea of such a bizarre meditation method was invented by a 30 year old local, Liu Taijie. She was having troubles after her own divorce like depression and other hardships.

Liu said: “When a person is desperate, he or she could almost feel they’re near death. By lying in the grave, my students could try to experience death.”

She added: “This will remind them that they have not done many things in their life and that they need to forget about the past and start a new life.”

Until death do us part! Divorced women lay in real GRAVES to overcome marriage failure (photos)
A woman cries and lifts her fists in the air from despair

Liu continued: “I know how a woman felt when she was feeling abandoned. I had the thought of committing s*icide when I got divorced.”

This is her second business and it seems that it is a roaring success in her small town. “Failure is not scary. I want all the divorced women to live their own lives and to achieve their own goals. Women must reply on themselves and be our own Queen,” Liu believes.

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