It is now tendency that each and every year the rain season not  favour  all districts in the country, certain part  may even not see a rain drop throughout the year yet they tend to wonder hearing news of floods in some districts.

The case is not different this year the  prolonged dry spell that has hit the  Nsanje district which will likely to affect this year maize production.

According to  District Agricultural Development Officer (DADO) Patrick Msiyambiri disclosed to local media that the situation is pathetic as most of the crop has wilted due to the dry spell.

He said the dry spell has mostly affected maize crop and the district is likely to experience a drop in crop yield just like last year.

Mr. Msiyambiri said a final report on the extent of the damage is not ready, saying currently his office is still getting reports from the extension planning areas that have been affected by the dry spell.

Commenting on development, Kalulu ward councilor Rose Makiyi said the situation is worse, especially in Makhanga Extension Planning Area.


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