Government through Minister of Information and Communications Technology Nicholas Dausi has hit back at Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera for attacking President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika over corruption.

Last week Chakwera issued a press statement where he highlighted a number of issues affecting the country.

In the statement, Chakwera asked President Mutharika to instruct the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) to immediately conduct a search in all Cabinet Ministers following the breakthrough made by the ACB after a search to the house of the fired Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Dr. George Chaponda.

But in a statement issued on Wednesday, Dausi trashed Chakwera’s remarks.

“Government hereby condemns in strongest terms threats of violence and riots Dr. Lazarus Chakwera made recently in his statement to the public as reported in the press.

“Dr. Chakwera’s appetite for dictatorship and anarchy as evidenced by his express desire to sabotage development and Parliament business unless President Prof. Arthur Peter Mutharika breaks some laws is menacing threat to our democracy,” said Dausi.

Dausi also condemned the call by Chakwera to have all Cabinet Ministers searched.

“We unequivocally reject Dr. Chakwera’s call for arbitrary searches of citizens’ houses because arbitrary use of power is the hallmark of dictatorship. As Dr. Chakwera betrays his desire for dictatorship, arbitrary use of power, anarchy and violence, President Mutharika remains a peaceful democrat who respects the rule of law. Nobody must take Malawi back to the days of dictatorship,” added Dausi.

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