REVEALED: Nairobi building where underage school children do 'dirty' things in broad daylight
A file photo of students nabbed during a binge drinking session.

The Cases of secondary school students engaging in s*x  parties seem to be far from over in Kenya.

On Wednesday, March 1, the police in Eldoret arrested 24 high school students found indulging heavily in alcohol and others. Many other such cases have been reported in the past.

REVEALED: Nairobi building where underage school children do 'dirty' things in broad daylight
Teenagers attempt to escape from police arrest after they were busted during a ‘dirty’ house party in Langata.

Another Kenyan has revealed a building in Nairobi where children barely in their teens go to engage in binge drinking, smoking and other dirty things.

The man who identified himself as Boniface says the young ones converge in the Nairobi building in the name of engaging in computer games only to end up in drug taking parties which are spiced with kissing and pairing sessions.

“Today I visited Azuri hotel on first floor at Imenti House at the junction of Kenyatta Avenue and Moi Avenue. What I saw can only be witnessed in Hell if there is one.Hundreds of teenagers (12-24 year old) – boys and girls from various colleges and schools, converge here daily. There is a room at the basement of Imenti House. There is a commercial play station at underground,” he narrates.

According to this concerned parent, when the teenagers meet, they always scramble for the only space outside the building, and hug and kiss each other in broad daylight.

The young ones who also dress very skimpily and wear heavy perfumes come with backpacks strapped on their backs.

“When they enter the building, they get to the basement where we have a commercial play-station with various stands operated by a Kiragu. They flood there all of them in turns. They open their small backpacks and remove sheesha and start smoking. Others use illicit brews they usually carry and notwithstanding other stuffs which I don’t know what they are. I suspected it’s foreign stuff that is usually smuggled into the country,” he adds.

The place is usually swarming with the teenagers especially on weekends despite shop owners raising complaints with relevant authorities to no avail.REVEALED: Nairobi building where underage school children do 'dirty' things in broad daylight

“During the night, they leave the place in an awkward situation. Very drunk,confused, and weary looking. They seem drugged,” adds Boniface.

Boda boda operators, says, Boniface, have attempted to chase the youngsters away but they keep going back to the den.

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