Traditionally women think if they accept a guy into relationship easily they may appear to be cheap and more like prostit*tes, so they play hard to get game.

However,  Jamie LeeLo confessed that like everyone, she used to think that what made someone attractive was that they appeared desirable to everyone else.Image result for Why Playing Hard To Get Just Makes You Stupid, Not More Desirable

This meant playing hard to get, leading people on or pretending to have lots of “options” — when really, she was lonely AF and just wanted someone to love me.

Then, one magical day, she met a guy who worked at a marina in Charleston (very “The Notebook” of him), who flat out said to her, “Do you want to go to dinner sometime?”

And she was all, “What, like a date?” and he was all, “Yes, like a date. I think you are cool.”

From that day on, she stopped playing games with herself and the people she dated.

Here is why playing hard to get makes you stupid and not more desirable.

You’re putting off finding happiness

Playing any kind of game makes it more difficult to get to know someone genuinely. And if that person get tired of such tricks then you are down again.Image result for Why Playing Hard To Get Just Makes You Stupid, Not More Desirable

This means, DON’T PLAY GAMES with someone when you meet them.

Be the first domino to fall and if you are into someone, let them know. If you aren’t, don’t string them along. Protect your happiness and sanity just as much as everyone else’s!

“Imagine, a world where we all just knew where we stood with one another at all times!”

It’s like that famous line the movie “Mean Girls” when Tina Fey says, “You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it OK for guys to call you sluts and whores!”

Except it’s more like, “You all have got to stop playing mind games with each other. It just makes it OK for everyone to play mind games!”

You’re missing opportunities.

My guess is the love of your life isn’t interested in spending all of their time dancing when you say dance and jumping when you say jump. Instead, they’re probably interested in wanting to spend their time with you, make memories and enjoy your company.Image result for Why Playing Hard To Get Just Makes You Stupid, Not More Desirable

The good ones aren’t going to wait around for you to finally pull the mask off of your face and say, “JK! I’ve been into you the whole time!” And if they DO wait around for that, they’ll probably be pissed when you pull the big reveal.

Trust me, you want someone emotionally mature enough to express their true feelings, and lovers attract other lovers, just like players attract other players.

If you’re into stringing someone along, don’t be surprised if you find out it was all fun and games for them, too.

You’re kind of a loser.

And, oh yeah, playing hard to get is mean.

It toys with other people’s emotions, makes them feel insecure, confused or frustrated and never ends with a romantic kiss on a mountain top.Related image

“It toys with other people’s emotions and makes them feel insecure, confused or frustrated.”

If it’s about power for you, try getting over yourself.

If you’re in the right relationship, your significant other will always desire you anyway, without you having to go the extra effort to make yourself seem mysterious or desirable elsewhere.

Trust your gut and be open with the people in your life. You can never, ever go wrong being honest with yourself and others.

Annoying, but so, so true.

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