Popular Hollywood star and Musician Will Smith arrived in Livingstone (zambia) yesterday for a brief tour of the tourist capital.

While in Livingstone, the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air  took part in a number of leisure activities such as the Helicopter flight, tour of the Victoria Falls and the Island.

When he landed at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula around 11:00 Hours, Smith freely mingled with the airport crew and the locals.
He was accompanied by his family and he  used his private plane.

Smith flew back the same day (Thursday, 9 February)  evening between 20:00 and 22:00 Hours.

Over the weekend, Smith was in Egypt where he toured the Pyramids.

On Tuesday, he toured Zanzibar.

AMERICAN actor Will Smith prepares to go to the Devil’s pool. The Devil’s pool is situated adjacent to the famous Livingstone Island at the top of Victoria Falls, and is run and operated by Tongabezi Lodge in Zambia
AMERICAN actor Will Smith poses for picture with some Livingstone residents. Behind them is the mighty Victoria Falls

SOME Livingstone residents take a selfie with American actor, producer, rapper and songwriter Will Smith.






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