A man has written about the shocking thing he is passing through in the hands of his wife and cannot do anything because of the repercussion. He wrote to Instagram page – Break_or Make.
“Please, enough of this promotion of domestic violence against women, what about men? My wife fights me every blessed day, she slaps me in public, tear my shirt, break bottle on my head, pour me water when am sleeping.
If I go to the police station they will say, are you not a man? If I go to complain to friends they will say are you not a man? I go to my pastor, he says are you that weak? I went to all the NGO they say, take charge of your home, you are the man. How else do you prove you are a man if not your might? When she does this I try to walk away, the highest I do is throw her to the bed so she don’t get hurt.
The worst I do is hold her fist, or tie her hands with a soft dress so she does not get hurt.
Many of you women never tell us why these men beat you up, nobody is an animal.
Believe it or not, many women intentional want a man to hit them just to get public sympathy and pity, because they know society will frown at it. I don’t hit my wife but she hits me because she thinks am weak.
The day I will make up my mind to hit her, I might kill her and then nobody will understand what I have suffered. Now if I can’t hit her, I’m left with the option of divorce. Now you all see why our marriage breaks every day, because we refuse to fight back or hit and choose to walk away.
Many ladies are so block headed that only beating can bring them back. She follows your page, I mean my wife? and I saw all her comments on Tonto story. I was just laughing at her stupidity and understanding how deceptive people can be to the public. If I hit that woman she must drop dead.”