Admarc guard in Nkhatabay identified as Petros Kaunda has been arrested for shooting to death his boss, Patrick Mawaso who was Admarc sales clerk at Mzenga in the district.

Ignatius Esau, Nkhatabay police spokesperson said the deceased was in his office sorting out documents in preparation for the auditors who were on their way when Kaunda was outside with a 303 rifle.

Moments later, the guard heard footsteps and he noticed it was an unknown person standing on a far side of the office. The guard warned his boss who was still in the office not to come out since he already had aimed at the person.

He then pulled the trigger but unfortunately the bullet landed on his boss who was coming out of the office at the same time. The guard realized he had shot his boss and attempted to shoot himself too but he was rescued by people who came to the scene after hearing the sound of gunshots.

Medical results from Nkhatabay district hospital revealed that the deceased died due to loss of blood following the wound in the chest caused by the gun shot.

Mawaso hailed from Mayuni village traditional authority Chikulamayembe in Rumphi district while Petros Kaunda comes from Chiheni Kacheche village, traditional authority Mtwalo in Mzimba district.

Kaunda is currently in police custody in Nkhatabay waiting for the court proceedings.

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