The country’s first lady Gertrude Mutharika on Thursday led Malawians in celebrating the World women’s day by boarding an all-women operated plane from Chileka International Airport in Blantyre to Tanzania.

The plane was operated by two female Malawian Airlines lady pilots Captain Yolanda Kaunda and First Officer Lusekelo Mwenifumbo.

Speaking to the audience, Madam Mutharika who was the guest of honour at the event and was accompanied by the wife to the Vice President Mary Chilima said the event will go down in history.

“Today is a historical day. We have gathered at this place to witness history as it unfolds right before our eyes.

“For those who still doubt, we are here to make a valid proclamation those women empowerment is finally here to stay,” said Mutharika.

She added: “And let me emphatically add that this first ever All-Women Flight has confirmed that sky is no longer the limit for women. Today, women have come to demolish all boundaries that kept us confined in certain narrow spaces for far too long.

“This All-Women Flight has made history for Malawian Women as we have now pushed the frontiers way beyond imagination.”

Mutharika also commended Malawi Airlines for being in the forefront in closing the gender gap in work places.

Malawian airline Chief executive Officer, Ahadu Simachew, confirmed that all the flight operations from cockpit, cabin, check-in, customer care, air traffic control to ground handling was all be done by women.

The main aim of the All-women operated and supported flight was to encourage young girls who wish to pursue a career in civil aviation but are afraid to do so thinking aviation is too technical and therefore only suitable for boys.