As corruption continues to strike Malawi, every person  no longer thinks can get or give any thing free.

A point in case is village headman in Phalombe district who is facing facing court charges for allegedly demanding sexual favours from women in exchange of relief food.

A 35-year-old village headman Filisa was arrested on Thursday for abusing his powers.

According to Phalombe police Public Relations Officer, Augustus Nkhwazi, Filisa born Baton Sinje was demanding sex from some of the beneficiaries of relief food distributed by World Food Program (WFP) through Adventist Development Relief Aid (ADRA).

“Between the months of November 2016 and January 2017, the suspect had visited one woman (name withheld) and asked her for a sexual relationship in order to be listed among the beneficiaries of the relief food,” explained Nkhwazi.

“The woman was not pleased with the idea and went about seeking assistance. Police were tipped of the development; we instituted investigations that led to the arrest of the suspect.”

Village headman Filisa has been charged with Conduct Likely to Cause Breach of Peace contrary to section 181 of the Penal Code.

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