It was hell in a cell for sex starved Roman Catholic priest in Karoi (Zimbabwe) who recently paraded his private parts before church members after being trapped by a widow he was luring in his church.


Sources from the same church said Father Takunda Mpofu had been asking Mrs Tendai Chanhanga, a widow, to be his girlfriend promising her a good life using Catholic resources as his bait.

“Mrs Chanhanga was not interested in what the priest was proposing. She tried to stop him but he kept pressurizing her into the relationship. She then grew tired of the priest’s forced love proposals and visits. She then hatched a plan to expose the ‘Pharisean’ priest,” said an elder in the church who requested anonymity.

The elder said Mrs Chanhanga then reported Father Mpofu to the church board but the board said it needed evidence to the allegations before they could take action.

Mrs Chanhanga then hatched a plan and falsely agreed to the adulterous priest’s request.

“She then invited him over to her place and, secretly invited us (some church members and elders) and told us to stay in a spare bedroom without making sounds. While at her place she told Father Mpofu that she was going for a shower and told him to relax in her bedroom,” said the elder.

The romantic priest then took off his clothes and lay on the bed in his baby suit.

All hell broke loose when his “lover” came back with church congregates in the bedroom.

“Father Mpofu was shocked to see us all. He seemed to have become paralyzed and glued on the bed. After a moment he then managed to pull a blanket and covered himself with it,” further alleged the elder.

He said members were then asked to go out of the house and the priest then dressed.

However the members could not keep their mouth shut and the news spread through the suburb leading to people gathering outside of the house.

Father Mpofu then composed himself and drove off in the Catholic car leaving the gathered whistling and making noise.

“As of now, he is currently on suspension and the matter is being resolved by the district headquarters,” the elder added.

Mrs Chanhanga has since confirmed the incident but could not shed more light to what transpired.

“I can only confirm that the Father Chanhanga had been luring me and that he paraded his privates before congregates in my bedroom. However I cannot talk of the issues to the press, as it is still being resolved by the district,” she said.

When reached for a comment the vicious priest shouted at reporters and referred all questions to the district headquarters.

Zealous efforts to get a comment from the district offices were fruitless.

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