Ladies, it’s not on force to try out everything that seems to be in fashion at that particular time because some of these fashionable stuffs do not work on the body of every human being.

Some of you struggle just to fit in that position just to be considered as a person who walks with time even though what you are wearing is giving you pressure.

Men really appreciate your efforts since you try whatever you can just to impress a male human being even up to the extent of undergoing surgery just to look outstanding to men.

This is what happened to this young lady as she forced herself to fit in high heel shoes just to look awesome and impress a male human being.

Unfortunately, her own shoes did not behave well and she ended up falling into the mud and embarrassed.

The worst part was that everybody was just passing without reaching out for a hand to help her up.

The only person who stopped was the guy who took this picture and headed on his way after taking the picture.




















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