Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate Court fined a 33-year-old woman MK 600 000 for being found in possession of foreign currency and attempt to externalize it.

Kamuzu International Airport, (KIA) Public Relations Officer (PRO) Sapulain Chitonde identified the convict as Jessie Kumwembe Ndivale an employee of Ulendo Travel Group Company in Lilongwe.

According to the PRO, the court through Prosecutor Cecelia Zangazanga learnt that on March 24, 2017, the accused was found attempting to transfer South African rands amounting to 20,600 which is equivalent to K1, 030, 000.00 without the permission of the bank or the minister responsible.

Chitonde said the convict was then arrested and charged with two counts.

He explained that the accounts which Ndivale was charged with was; attempt to Transfer Foreign Currency outside Malawi which is contrary to section 11(1) of the Exchange Control Regulation under the Exchange Control Act, Cap 45:01 of the Laws of Malawi; and Found in Possession of Foreign Currency in Malawi contrary to regulation 25(1) of the Exchange Control Regulation under the Exchange Control Act, Cap 45:01 of the law of Malawi.

Senior Resident Magistrate Shyreen Yona fined Ndivale K450 000 for the first account or in default to serve one year Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL).

The second count, the accused was fined MK150, 000 or in default to serve 6 months IHL.

“Fine was deducted from the money she was found with of which the remainder got forfeited to the government,” Chitonde added.

Kumwembe Ndivale hails from Tabu Village, Traditional Authority (TA) Malemia, Zomba district.

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