President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has come out of the cocoon to ask the religious grouping Public Affairs Committee (PAC) to form a political party and face him in the forthcoming general election in 2019.

Mutharika’s remark follows the recent statement issued by PAC last week that the country was currently experiencing mediocrity as poverty levels have been deeply entrenched among ordinary citizens.

Addressing people at Biwi Triangle on Monday while returning from the southern region where he fulfilled a number of programmes, Mutharika said PAC was harbouring sinister political motives.

“PAC should just form a political party and stop hiding behind religion because the committee no longer speaks for the people,” said Mutharika.

He said the DPP administration should be credited for implementing numerous development projects, which he said PAC is failing to recognise.

Recently Minister of Information and Communications Technology Nicholas Dausi also said PAC is having pathological hatred with the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Meanwhile PAC still maintain that the DPP administration has failed miserably.

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