Late last year, Kenyans were bewildered by the sudden appearance of ‘Jesus’ in the street of Nairobi.
According to numerous photos seen online, a tourist sharing striking resemblance with Jesus was spotted traversing the streets of Nairobi by Kenyans who couldn’t help but fear for their lives.
Most of them thought he was the real Jesus who had come for his people or the end time is near.
However, tension subsided when it became apparent that he was only a tourist who looked exactly like Jesus.

Well, if you thought the lad was the only ‘Jesus’ look-alike, think again. Another ‘Jesus’ look-alike has been unearthed courtesy of a Mombasa-based rich musician.
BMG, a flamboyant Kenyan singer recently sparked fear among his social media followers and fans after sharing photos of himself hanging out with ‘Jesus’ and some of his disciples.

The musician, who is known for his opulent lifestyle and countless trips abroad scared the hell out of his fans by sharing the photo, taken at a bar called Dubai in Italy on his social media accounts.