Muslims girl in Indonesia about to be punished for being suspected to have multiple partners

Muslim grooms aren’t expected to prove their virg inity, but if a Muslim bride is found to be “defi led,” she will suffer a sadistic punishment.

In traditional Islam, Muslim girls are expected to be vir gins on their wedding night, regardless if they are 9 or 90. However, when the bride-to-be undergoes her “virginity test” and is found to have been “defiled,” the inflicted punishment is almost too gruesome to imagine.

In Afghanistan, girls fear even being accused of not being a virg in, even if they have never touched a man. Muslim men, however, are not expected to remain vir gins, and enjoy the pleasure of marrying multiple women throughout their lives.

This double standard in Islamic culture and religion is not only misogynistic, it can prove painful or even fatal for Muslim women.

Radio Free Europe reports that Afghani women and children are monitored by their husbands after consummating the marriage, ensuring that their new property was “intact.” The sheets are checked for blood stains, signifying the breaking of the bride’s hym en during interc ourse.

If the sheets are soiled, the groom can rest assured that the woman he paid for was worth the generous dowry. However, if the sheets are clean, the bride faces a number of sadistic punishments.

“In some cases, a bride’s ears and nose are cut off,” she explained. “They are forced into dirty clothes and taken back to her parent’s home. Their heads are shaved. The bride’s family is told that she is not a vir gin. Other times, a bride is simply killed and her body is returned to her parents.”
Still, the Muslim groom has other options if he is feeling merciful.

If the sheets lack blood, the in-laws can “demand that their ‘damaged’ daughter-in-law be exchanged for her sister.” The country imprisons non-vi rgins “for adu ltery.”

Because of Sharia law, Afghanistan’s government has mandated that anyone guilty of adul tery be stoned to death. This too often includes the accused brides, guilty or not.

Fortunately, Imam Pujianto Cahyo Widiyanto’s second wife, 12-year-old Lutfiana Ulfa (left), was able to prove her virgi nity to her much older husband. His first wife, Ummi Hani (right), must be pleased.

Since the Prophet Muhammad didn’t want one of his own wives stoned, he required that four witnesses testify against the accused adu lterer. If they could not be produced, the accuser would instead be punished.

However, if a woman claims to have been rap ed, she must also bear four male witnesses to confirm her story. If she cannot, Muhammad commanded that she be stoned to death.

“It is absolutely shocking that 12 years after the fall of the Taliban government, the Karzai administration might bring back stoning as a punishment,” stated Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

Like many of us, Adams is rightfully appalled that such barbaric legislation exists in the 21st century, but we must understand that it is simply because of Allah’s commands and Muhammad’s actions that these inhumane laws are still practiced after 1400 years.

Since the Prophet Muhammad didn’t want one of his own wives stoned, he required that four witnesses testify against the accused adu lterer. If they could not be produced, the accuser would instead be punished.

Because of this extreme governance, women who have had premarital se x or have accidentally broken their hym en before their wedding night are paying good mone y to make their grooms believe they are still virg inal. Vendors have found a profitable market for hymenoplasty in Islamic countries, a procedure that provides a fake hym en and blood so women can fake vir ginity tests, Slate reports.

This procedure has saved many women and girls from a death sentence, but it cannot do anything for the millions of children sold off to Muslim men as child brides.

In Turkey, 1 in 3 marriages involve child brides, but don’t think for one second that this is “un-Islamic.” This perverse practice is not only allowed under Islamic law, it was modeled by the one man Allah commands all Muslims to emulate — Muhammad.

The 50-year-old prophet already had multiple wives when he approached his companion, Abu Bakr, for his 6-year-old daughter’s hand in marriage. Perhaps it was because the child fell deathly ill, or maybe it was just the generous nature of the ped ophile messenger, but for whatever reason, Muhammad waited until he was 53 to consummate his marriage to the 9-year-old Aisha.

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