Angry mob on the wee hours of Wednesday took the law into their own hands by beating to death unknown man suspected of stealing goats at Chisikwa village near Nsundwe Trading Centre in Lilongwe.

Lilongwe Police Station Deputy Public Relations Officer, Constable Margret Selemani has confirmed of the development in an interview with MANA.

According to Selemani, the deceased is believed to be among the thieves that have been terrorizing in the past weeks stealing goats and others items.

“It was around 4 a.m. when the unknown suspect and his friends went to steal goats from Chisikwa village not knowing that the villagers were alert.

“The villagers got up and found the suspects in the kraal (Khola) and managed to apprehend one suspect who they assaulted to death while the others had escaped,” she said.

The unknown thief was pronounced dead upon arrival at Chileka Health Centre.

Meanwhile no one has been arrested in connection to the incident.

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