A 34-YEAR-OLD businessman narrated in Lusaka Local Court how he found his wife in the house with her lover at an awkward time after he cheated her that he was not coming home.

This is in a case in which Christopher Sampa a businessman of Garden Park compound sued his wife, Clara Siandele, 28, a secretary at a security firm for divorce on allegation that she committed adultery.

The two got married in 2000 and have two children and Siandele is pregnant.
Sampa told Senior Court Magistrate Abbyshine Michelo sitting with Magistrate Mubukwanu Matakala at Kanyama Local Court that he was in Livingstone where he did his business and that he phoned Siandele on Monday last week that he would come on Tuesday.

He explained that later he informed Siandele that he would not come because he had orders for the Livingstone Council for Labour Day.

Sampa said his wife asked him if he was sure that he would not come and he answered in the affirmative.

Sampa further said that on Tuesday at 11.00 hours he started off for Lusaka without informing Siandele because he heard rumours that there was a minibus driver who was spending nights at home.

“I arrived home at 20:30 hours and I entered without knocking and found Siandele sitting with a man on a sofa with their legs on the table, they both got scared.

“I locked them inside the house and went to call a neighbour but Siandele got the spare key and the man ran away. The children said it was not the first time the man came to my house. I was told he even wears my shorts when I am away,’’ said Sampa.

Sampa said Siandele also ran away and that when he checked in her handbag he found two second hand trousers and sex pills which he produced in court as evidence. In cross examination, Sampa said that Siandele never told him that she was looking for a job at judiciary for the same man when he found them.

In defence, Siandele said that it was around 19.00 hours when Sampa found her with Daka in the house and told her that he caught her committing adultery, adding that he couldn’t allow her to explain as he locked the door after he got a big knife.

She explained that she got spare keys and opened the door and went into unfinished building where she was urinating.

Magistrate Michelo adjourned the matter to April 24, to allow them to sit as a family before passing judgment.


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