Midima Senior Resident Magistrate Court has today, April 26  sentenced Trust Masanza, 27, to 3 years imprisonment for breaking into a building and committing a felony.

According to Limbe Police Station Assistant Public Relations Officer (PRO), Widson Nhlane, the convict, broke into a shop in Limbe on Monday April 24, 2017 and went away with various items worth over a million Kwacha.

“During the night of 24-25 April, the convict broke into and entered a shop of a certain business person in Limbe Market. He stole items which include motor vehicle oils, fuel pumps, assorted filters, brake pads, car polish and bearings worth K1, 370,500.00,” said Nhlane.

The Limbe Police PRO added that Masanza pleaded guilty when he appeared before the court and asked the presiding magistrate to be lenient when passing judgment because he is a first offender.

Passing judgment, His Worship Benedictus Chisakamile said the crime Masanza committed is a serious one and deserves a custodial sentence as a deterrent to would be offenders.

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