The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has distanced itself from accusation that the Party is having a hand in the arrest of three opposition People’s Party (PP) members in connection with the recent fake resignation letter purportedly written by the country’s Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima.

On Tuesday the police arrested Cecilia Kumpukwe, sister to former President Dr. Joyce Banda and two other PP members on allegation that the three authored a fake resignation letter of Chilima.

Speaking after the arrest, PP spokesperson Noah Chimpeni described the arrest as political orchestrated by the ruling DPP aimed at destabilizing the party ahead of the 2019 election.

Reacting to the clams, DPP spokesperson Francis Kasaila denied the accusation, saying PP is already in shambles.

“The party is no longer there on the ground. It vanished long ago, it is finished. Party officials, including Mrs Joyce Banda herself, left the party long time ago,” he said.

He therefore said it would be fruitless to target anyone on the basis of party affiliation when the Peoples Party is non-existent.

Meanwhile the three have been charged with forgery.

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