One of the pastors of Christ Embassy church in Oregun, Lagos Nigeria, identified as Kenechukwu Kanu (aka Kaycee), has been accused of harassing a married woman.

According to a post by New Telegraph, His accuser, Mrs Brenda Nwanguma, claims to work with him at the Inner City Mission for Children (ICM4C) an NGO owned by the church, where he tried to take advantage of her.

When Pastor Kaycee, a father of two, heard what Brenda had to say about him, he answered her saying:

“loose woman who has slept with at least two to three men here. Her husband doesn’t know her. He should go and put his house in order. There’re certain things I shouldn’t say.”

Brenda countered what Pastor Kaycee said by revealing what one of their mutual friends, Pastor Charles Osakwe, told her. She said:

“If Pastor Kaycee said I’m loose and had slept with three men, I dare him to mention their names. If I’m a loose woman, why did the organisation allow me to keep working in the Christian environment?”

scandal: Christ Embassy pastor harassing me –Married woman
Mrs Brenda Nwanguma has accused one pastor Kenechukwu Kanu of trying to sleep with her

She also revealed that he was in a secret affair with his Personal Assistant (PA), who he has been caught ‘romancing’ in his office several times. She said:

“A member of staff at ICM4C told me that Kaycee once impregnated a teacher in the school. He got her to resign and moved her to the East just to cover his deeds. The lady had a baby boy for him. In fact, it happened before I started working there. This has been his lifestyle.”

According to Brenda, her problems started when she started having health challenges at work and needed to stop work. She had gone to Kaycee who handles transfers to request for one. Kaycee reportedly asked her to pay N500,000 (1.2 million kwacha) to influence her transfer or meet him at an Ikeja hotel, to sleep with him.

Brenda refused to do what Kaycee asked, and he ‘punished’ her by having her transferred four times in one month. She wrote several letters reporting his actions to different heads of departments in the church, but none responded to her.

Her husband, popular human rights activist, Emeka Nwanguma, then asked her to pretend that she was interested in sleeping with Kaycee.

Kaycee even paid N25,000 (about k600000) into her account, as ‘motivation’ to get her to come to the hotel. Her husband had asked her to demand for the money, which would be used as evidence.

Okechukwu said:

“Kaycee asked my wife to meet him at a hotel in Ikeja and kept pressuring her. I knew about this and asked Brenda to play along. I was on my way back to Lagos from Abuja. I had hoped I could get in on time so that I would ask my wife to go and meet him in the hotel room. I was planning to storm the hotel with some police officers because adultery is a crime under the law apart from being a sin unbecoming of a pastor.”

“Aside from my wife’s case, my inquiry reveals that Kaycee is notorious for the misconduct of harassing women – single and married. And these are covered up. Despite several written complaints I got my wife to send to Omoh as the director of Inner City Mission, I was shocked she didn’t respond. I was convinced about the conspiracy to cover up this heinous act. I asked my wife to take further steps to complain to Pastor Ifeoma, who is the next superior authority beyond Pastor Omoh. Yet, we got not even an acknowledgement.”

Meanwhile, Kaycee claims he had never been accused of such prior to meeting Brenda. He said:

“She might feel her complaint had not been looked into, but it has. The mistake she made was in thinking that I have the power to transfer anyone, I don’t! Transfers come from the director. Mine is to obey and carry out the instructions.

She was working in the school, she complained about her boss; she said the woman was victimising her. When the woman was asked, the woman said Brenda was always making up her face in front of the children, which wasn’t right. When she complained of having migraine because of the children she was handling, she was transferred to Partnership Department. When her appraisal came, she failed.

The head of partnership also complained that Brenda spends too much time making up her face and doing ‘madam.’ Brenda was not pulling her weight. She was moved to Media Achieving and she liked the place. But it was below her educational status; anybody, even without education, could work there. “I don’t know what her husband thinks he is fighting for, but he just doesn’t know his wife. He should put his house in order. No one is harassing his wife sexually. It’s a case of his wife having affairs with several men.”

When asked if he sent money to Brenda, he said:

“I have given Brenda money several times. She is not the only one I have given IOU (I Owe You) in this organisation. She would beg me to borrow her money, but she wouldn’t pay back. She said I asked her for N500,000, but what do I need money for? I have money! You may ask anybody.”

He however denied inviting her to a hotel, even after he was told about a Whatsapp message Brenda has as ‘proof’. “It wasn’t me! It may be someone else. My phone was recently hacked. Whatever messages she might have received couldn’t have come from me.” Nosegbe, Brenda’s former boss at the school, said: “I don’t have any problem with Brenda. In fact, I haven’t seen her for some days and had been asking after her. How can she say that I didn’t like her?”

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