Information reaching faceofmalawi indicates that two suspected thieves have been burnt to death by angry mob in Machinjiri Township in the commercial capital Blantyre.

An eyewitness who rushed to the scene confirmed of the development in an interview with faceofmalawi reporter, saying the incident happened at a place called Nakulenga near nkolokoti in Machinjiri.

He said that the thieves used a hole drilled near the window to enter the shop and attacked the owner of the shop who reacted by shouting for help.

“After hearing the noise, the surrounding communities reacted swifftly by rushing to the scene,” he said.

According to the eyewitness, the surrounding communities managed to apprehend two suspects while four others escaped.

“Akuba analowa mu shop poboola khoma yomwe ili ku Machinjiri (Madulira),” said an eyewitness in an interview with press.

Meanwhile no one has been arrested in connection to the accident.

In a related development, another suspected thief identified as Bicco has been burnt to death in Mzimba.

According to information at hand, the suspect is said to have robbed a woman in Madede who operates a bureau in the area (money transfer from SA).
The thief broke into the house and went away with cash and other items.

“He had a grocery shop and a house at Euthin where he was staying. …After being captured his house and shop was broken….his motor cycle was burnt,” said an eyewitness.

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