A reality star who boasted about sleeping with 10 men a night as a high class prostitute has been fired.

Senada Nurkic, also known by her stage name Maca Diskrecia, claimed that she was too much for her punters who could not handle her.

But her comments on a women’s chat show caused national outrage in Bosnia, where prostitution is illegal.

Nurkic, 24, explained that prostitution was a job like any other and she was not ashamed.

Senada bragged about her job as a working girl

“Sometimes I think that I am sick for loving sex that much. And I think that I am a nymphomaniac.

“I have to sell my body in order to survive, and to help them (her family) with money. I don’t see anything wrong in doing it.”

But a spokesman for the Pink channel, who broadcasted The Mighty Program presented by Nurkic, confirmed the show had been cancelled.

He said: “Although the show was of an entertainment character without any intention to insult or humiliate anyone, and had good ratings, the management of the station made a decision to stop transmitting it.

“The reason is numerous complaints from the viewers who think the show doesn’t belong on national TV.”

Senada made several brash claims about her second job, and does not fear arrest because she is dating a politician.

SACKED: Senada will have to fall back on her prostitution career

She added that she only accepts clients who are good looking and not famous.

She previously hit the headlines around the world on reality TV show Couples when she lifted her top up and allowed men to lick her breasts.

She also had sex with a man on camera while other people were in the same room.

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