Police in Brazil have arrested a woman, who paid her lover to murder her own 13-year-old daughter because she thought the little girl would snatch him away from her.

According to UK Sun, the teenage schoolgirl identified as Francine Matias da Silva Sins, was allegedly raped and killed by her mother’s lover, Ronaldo Santos, aged 30, who also happened to be her stepfather, after he lured her to her death with the promise of Easter eggs.

the 13-year-old murdered girl

Santos was reportedly in a relationship with the little girl’s mother, Geni Sins, aged 54, who had previously tried to get him to kill her, the prosecution has said.

According to the police, the girl was found strangled and tied to a tree having been raped in a remote wooded area in Santa Cruz do Sul, south Brazil, on Good Friday.

A new revelation by police has it that Santos is actually his lover’s nephew and Francine’s cousin. They had been together for several years and the evil woman was said to be ‘passionately in love’ with her toyboy.

the mother

Francine’s brother, Diones Sins Muller, 18, revealed his mother was ‘obsessed with Santos and always said he was the love of her life.’

Police released details about the crime on Friday, revealing that the teen had marks around her neck and had suffered head wounds. Autopsy reports indicated she had been raped.

According to detectives, the evil mother suspected her lover was showing an interest in his underage cousin last year and she began plotting to get rid of her child. Police say the evil mother promised Santos a couple of thousand pounds to pay off a loan on his motorbike for killing her daughter.

her boyfriend

On that fateful day, the victim was lured out of the house to her death by Santos on the promise of buying Easter eggs at a local market.

A couple hours after the pair left on motorbike, the ruthless mum reported her daughter missing. Investigators launched a search after being tipped off that Santos had been seen near the secluded wooded area without Francine. The body of the young girl was found 24 hours later, a mile and a half from where she lived with her mum and stepdad.

The police recovering her body

Santos was immediately named as the prime suspect, but he went on the run before he could be arrested and was caught a week later.

Investigators said during questioning, the accused admitted he had started a secret relationship with Francine about a year ago, and that the mother of the girl had become suspicious and envious and ordered that he killed her.




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