Jesus to People Ministries (JPM) founder ‘The Watchman of God’ Prophet Adams Malikebu has yet again resurfaced with a new prophecy warning the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) in the country to prepare for floods ahead.

Last month, the man of God asked Malawians to pray for well-known preacher TB Joshua and his church Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN).

“As I was praying I saw people shedding tears but I could not figure it what exactly was going on. I continued to pray then I saw the name of TB Joshua and his church being written in the air while people were in tears.

“It is a good move to God but to the world is not,” Malikebu was quoted in his last month prophecy.

Speaking in an interview with faceofmalawi reporter in his new prophecy, Prophet Malikebu urged DoDMA to get prepared for floods coming ahead.

He also warned Malawians living in floods prone areas such as Phalombe, Chikwawa, Nsanje and Karonga to relocate to upland areas.

“please pray , am seeing floods ahead. I warn the disaster managers to get prepared so that people may not suffer the outcome of the disaster,” said Malikebu.

Malikebu said Malawians should not take the prophecy for granted because the rainy season is over.

Floods recently displaced over 800 people in the northern district of Karonga and six people were reported dead.

Similar incident was experienced in Salima, Mchinji, Mzimba and Lilongwe.

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