Chirimba Evangelical Church of Malawi on Sunday afternoon cheered Cancer patients at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in the commercial capital and donated assorted items worthy MK150,000.

Some of the items donated includes; salt, sugar and soap. Over 50 patients benefited from the donation.

Speaking in an interview with faceofmalawi reporter after the donation, ECOM pastor Lawrence Nkwate said the church thought of donating the assorted items to QECH hospital due to the fact that the hospital accommodates huge number of patients especially those suffering from cancer.

“You have seen yourself the chllenges that the hospital is currently facing and this is why Mbayani-Chirimba mlaga thought it wise to share the little with have we the patients here,” said Nkwate.

He also disclosed that the idea to donate to cancer ward at Queens originated from one of the Pastors at the church by the name Anthony Manjatika who is now late.

Manjatika is said to have died of cancer.

When asked as to whether as to whether the church was satisfied with the donation, Nkwate said he was not satisfied and asked for other well-wishers to come forward.

“We have not come here as church but as Mlaga. We will come back as church to make the donation,” he added.

On her part, one of the beneficiaries Regina Maole, a guardian to Raphael Maole who is suffering from cancer hailed the church for the donation.

“The hospital especially cancer ward accommodates a huge number of patients across the country and most of them lack basic needs. So we this donation most of us will be assisted greatly,” said Maole.

She also urged other well-wishers to come forward and assist them.

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