Board members of the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) have finally fired its Chief Executive Officer Foster Mulumbe for flouting procedures in the procurement of maize from Zambia.

Last month ADMARC board suspended Mulumbe together with director of operations Feckson Kantonga pending review of the recommendation made by the commission of inquiry instituted by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on January 2017.

According to an April 20 2017 letter from the committee inviting Mulumbe to the hearing, the suspended CEO faced four charges of performing duties in an unsatisfactory and inefficient manner, or neglecting or omitting to perform the same contrary to regulation 16(b) of Admarc conditions of service.

Mulumbe was also charged with failing to conduct due diligence before contracting with Zambia Cooperative Federation, (ZCF), contrary to regulation 117 of the Public Procurement regulations. The third charge is disregarding standing operating instructions relevant to appointment contrary to regulation 16(e) of Admarc conditions of service.

Admarc board chairperson James Masumbu confirmed of the firing in an interview with the press but denied to comment much.

Masumbu said the special committee presented its findings and recommendations to the Appointments and Disciplinary Committee which will present the full report.

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