Former Speaker of the National Assembly Davis Katsonga who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Member of Parliament for Mwanza Central has been suspended for a week for putting on traditional ngoni headgear.

According to reports from Parliament, Katsonga on Tuesday left Parliament after having an arguiment with the deputy Speaker Clement Chiwaya over his dress code.

Chiwaya said putting on headgear is not allowed in Parliament and he ordered Katsonga to remove, saying it is contrary to standing order 104 of the Malawi National Assembly.

On Wednesday, Katsonga also entered the chamber while putting on the ngoni headgear prompting Malawi Congress Party (MCP) legislator Maxwell Thyolera to stand on of order to notify the house that Katsonga was again wearing the headgear.

Katsonga’s tendency angered deputy speaker who retaliated by slapping the former speaker with one week suspension.

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