A Nigerian wedding less than one day has collapsed following events that transpired on the wedding night.

Photos of the ‘After Party’ were leaked on Social media and many were left wondering if any good would come out of the event.

In the photos, the bride and groom went into a drinking spree, resulting in the groom getting knocked out and falling asleep on the floor.

The bride identified as Anele Xaba was left downing more of the wine with her husband’s friends.

According to a source, Anele and the best man were the two left standing whilst everyone else had fallen asleep.

One thing led to another and they ended up having sex,then immediately fell asleep after.

The groom, Mzhokwe, woke up only to discover the shock of his life after seeing his wife of less than a day naked and his best man laying by her side.

This did not go down well with him resulting in a fist fight and Ntuli walking out of the hotel.

He has since filed divorce papers.

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