A pregnant Bulawayo woman took an unusual method of protest when she allegedly tore her undergarments to make a point that her husband was allegedly failing to fend for her and her mother-in-law.

As if that was not enough to show her displeasure against her husband Lewis Maroti’s irresponsible behaviour, Nqobile Thebe moved out of her matrimonial home to stay with two male neighbours.

the fed up wife

Lewis bared his wife’s strange protest at the court where he had been dragged to answer charges of disturbing his wife and mother Getrude Maroti’s peace.

Gogo Maroti said her son was violent and was always in the habit of verbally and physically abusing his wife.

“He beats up his wife in my presence and whenever I reprimand him not to do it he threatens to kill me and burn down the house. I am now living in fear as a result of his violent behaviour,” said Gogo Maroti.

Supporting her mother-in-law Thebe said:”Lewis is always physically abusing me with an iron rod while accusing me of infidelity. He keeps a knife which he is also threatening to kill me with.

“When he beats me up he locks the door so that I cannot escape. He is constantly abusing me despite the fact that I am three months pregnant.”

In response, Lewis said his violent conduct was being caused by his wife’s infidelity.

“We usually fight but it’s not an everyday thing. The reason why we once fought is that I bought her some undergarments.

“Trouble started when she tore them before she took some of her clothes and moved out of the house to stay with two other men staying next to our house.

“She was accusing me of having failed to support her. Her boyfriends are also in the habit of coming to our place and standing by our gate,” said Lewis.

When he was asked by the presiding magistrate Sheunesu Matova why he suspected that the men who were coming to the gate were his wife’s boyfriends, Lewis said: “They are the same men she once eloped to when she deserted me, Your Worship”.

However, the magistrate ordered him not to verbally, emotionally and physically abuse both his mother and wife.

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