Police in Lilongwe have arrested two people for being found with a backpack and two expand bags full of Cannabis Sativa.

The two have been identified as 27 year old Vincent Tembo of Kaseleka village T/A Kaomba in Kasungu and 18 year old Yamikani Jenikala of Benjamin village, T/A Nthache also from Kasungu district.

Lilongwe Police Station spokesperson Inspector Kingsley Dandaula said the two were arrested at Bunda roadblock on May 24, 2017.

“Police officers on duty stopped Ulemu Bus registration number BU 4875 travelling to Blantyre. Upon conducting a routine search, they came across a backpack and two suitcases full of Indian hemp. The discovery of the owners of the bags was made following a tip from a well wisher,” said Dandaula.

Dandaula said it is important for the public to be informing the police on criminal activities so that the police may act on the same.

“It is vital to tip police officers on suspicious activities. In this case, if the suspects were not arrested, the hemp would have reached the market and be sold to a lot of people including minors,” explained Dandaula.

The hemp has been sent to Chitedze Research Station for examination. Currently, the two suspects are in custody waiting for trial.

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