A 30 year old man has been arrested in Rumphi for allegedly killing a 12 year old boy in Nkhata-Bay identified as Junior Banda over wild ducks.

Police have confirmed of the arrest and identified the suspect as Steka Mtambalika who hails from Timbiri vge in the area of Traditional Authority ( TA ) Timbiri in Nkhatabay distirict.

According to police, the suspect was rearing six goose (wild ducks) in kraal and on May 22 2017, Junior Banda set them free by opening the kraal and they disappeared into the bush.

The suspect was not pleased with the development and as a punishment, he whipped Junior with a tree log and later twisted his neck.

Junior was rushed to Mpamba health centre where he was treated as an out patient but two days later, his condition became worse and was reffered to Nkhatabay district hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival and an autopsy showed that death was due to injuries to the spine.

The suspect escaped and was apprehended over the weekend in Rumphi. He will appear in court soon.

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